2022-23 NISCA Boys High School Swimming All-America 
100 Yard Butterfly - Automatic AA :48.72
NATIONAL RECORD: Aiden Hayes, Norman North High School - :45.47 
Jenks, OK- February 20, 2021  6/22/2023
1 :44.97 Scotty          Buff                      12 St. Francis de Sales High School                   Toledo                    OH
2 :46.06 Thomas          Heilman                   10 Western Albemarle High School                      Crozet                    VA
3 :46.67 Charles Hayden  Bellotti                  12 Clements High School                               Sugar Land                TX
4 :46.69 Colin           Geer                      12 Long Beach Polytechnic High School                 Long Beach                CA
5 :46.89 Lance           Swanepoel                 12 Ankeny High School                                 Ankeny                    IA
6 :46.94 Benjamin        Irwin                     12 Buford High School                                 Buford                    GA
7 :46.99 Jacob           Wimberly                  11 Prosper High School                                Lucas                     TX
8 :47.08 Aaron           Baltaytis                 12 Tenafly High School                                Tenafly                   NJ
9 :47.12 Dylan           Smiley                    12 Miami Country Day School                           Miami Shores              FL
10 :47.13 Drew            Hitchcock                 11 Baylor School                                      Chattanooga               TN
11 :47.23 Daniel          Verdolaga                 11 Santa Margarita Catholic High School               Rancho Santa Margarita    CA
12 :47.33 Nolan           Dunkel                    11 Yorktown High School                               Arlington                 VA
13 :47.46 Jeffrey         Hou                       11 Hinsdale Central High School                       Hinsdale                  IL
14 :47.52 Aidan           Paro                      12 The Bolles School                                  Jacksonville              FL
15 :47.56 Songrui         Wu                        9  Dougherty Valley High School                       San Ramon                 CA
16 :47.58 Jacob           Johnson                   11 Springfield High School                            Springfield               PA
17 :47.62 Stuart          Seymour                   12 Brookfield Central/East High School                Brookfield                WI
18 :47.65 Nate            Germonprez                12 Westside High School                               Omaha                     NE
19 :47.72 Felipe          Baffico Balharry          12 The Out-Of-Door Academy                            Sarasota                  FL
20 :47.75 Aiden           Musick                    11 New Trier High School                              Winnetka                  IL
21 :47.78 Roman           Jones                     12 The Pingry School                                  Basking Ridge             NJ
22 :47.82 Rowan           Cox                       9  James Bowie High School                            Austin                    TX
23 :47.85 Marcel          Liu                       12 Phillips Academy                                   Andover                   MA
24 :47.90 Jack            Ailshire                  11 Lee's Summit West High School                      Lee's Summit              MO
25 :47.91 Andrew Charles  Billitto                  12 Seminole High School                               Seminole                  FL
26 :47.93 Jack            Stokvis                   12 Gulf Coast High School                             Naples                    FL
27 :47.96 Caiden          Bowers                    11 McDonogh School                                    Owings Mills              MD
28 :47.99 Rian            Graham                    11 Herndon High School                                Herndon                   VA
29 :48.00 Cade            Duncan                    12 Kinkaid School                                     Houston                   TX
30 :48.01 Arthur          Balva                     12 Palo Alto High School                              Palo Alto                 CA
31 :48.03 Matthew         Marsteiner                11 Leesville Road High School                         Raleigh                   NC
32 :48.13 Riccardo        Osio                      10 Keller High School                                 Keller                    TX
33 :48.14 Max             Ward                      11 St. Xavier High School                             Cincinnati                OH
34 :48.20 Logan           Ottke                     12 Cincinnati Hills Christian Academy                 Cincinnati                OH
35 :48.22 Marre           Gattnar                   12 Tamalpais High School                              Mill Valley               CA
36 :48.23 Isaac           Martin                    12 Munster High School                                Munster                   IN
37 :48.28 Harrison        Ranier                    12 Northwest Cabarrus High School                     Concord                   NC
38 :48.32 Ryan            Makouar                   11 La Canada High School                              La Canada                 CA
39 :48.33 Christopher     Leung                     12 Northwood High School                              Irvine                    CA
40 :48.36 Jonny           Marshall                  12 Akron Firestone High School                        Akron                     OH
41 :48.41 Micah           Davis                     9  Saint Cloud Tech High School                       Saint Cloud               MN
41 :48.41 Nathan          Kim                       11 St Francis High School                             La Canada Flintridge      CA
43 :48.42 Bryden          Thielenhaus               12 Novato High School                                 Novato                    CA
44 :48.44 Matthew         Elliot                    12 Soquel High School                                 Soquel                    CA
45 :48.46 Patrick         Foy                       11 Thunder Mountain High School                       Juneau                    AK
46 :48.48 Henry           McFadden                  12 Haddonfield Memorial High School                   Haddonfield               NJ
46 :48.48 Thomas          Mercer                    10 Saint Xavier High School                           Louisville                KY
48 :48.49 Holden          Carter                    11 Iowa City West High School                         Iowa City                 IA
49 :48.51 Brodie          Johnson                   11 Cherry Creek High School                           Greenwood Village         CO
49 :48.51 Benjamin        Wu                        11 Brunswick School                                   Greenwich                 CT
49 :48.51 Jerry           Yan                       11 Santa Margarita Catholic High School               Rancho Santa Margarita    CA
52 :48.52 Ryan            Cortes                    12 Cherry Hill High School East                       Cherry Hill               NJ
53 :48.54 Joshua          Fisher                    12 Veritas School                                     Richmond                  VA
53 :48.54 Cooper          Lucas                     11 Keller High School                                 Keller                    TX
55 :48.61 Liam            Heary                     12 Sarasota High School                               Sarasota                  FL
56 :48.62 Joel            Nace                      11 Seven Lakes High School                            Katy                      TX
57 :48.69 Aidan           Hill                      11 Charlotte Latin School                             Charlotte                 NC
58 :48.71 Abram           Mueller                   11 Madison West High School                           Madison                   WI
59 :48.72 Kevin           Obochi                    12 Highland Park High School                          Highland Park             IL
59 :48.72 Adam            Pannell                   12 Discovery Canyon Campus High School                Colorado Springs          CO
59 :48.72 Drew            Ploof                     10 Eden Prairie High School                           Eden Prairie              MN
62 :48.74 Nicholas        Kjaerulff                 12 Creekview High School                              Canton                    GA
63 :48.76 Matthew         Judkins                   11 Chaminade College Preparatory School               Creve Coeur               MO
64 :48.81 Henry           Dvorak                    12 Creighton Preparatory School                       Omaha                     NE
65 :48.83 Max             Marr                      11 The Haverford School                               Haverford                 PA
66 :48.84 Jack            Mills                     11 Jefferson Forest High School                       Forest                    VA
67 :48.85 Nojus           Bertulis                  11 Hinsdale Central High School                       Hinsdale                  IL
67 :48.85 Aaron           Gasiewicz                 12 Lancaster High School                              Lancaster                 NY
69 :48.87 Henry           Miller                    12 Southmoreland High School                          Greensburg                PA
70 :48.88 Brandon         Ha                        9  Angelo Rodriguez High School                       Fairfield                 CA
71 :48.93 Conner          Hogan                     11 Hutchinson High School                             Hutchinson                MN
71 :48.93 Hudson          Trammell                  12 Pace High School                                   Pace                      FL
73 :48.94 Alejandro       Michelena                 10 Klein Cain High School                             Houston                   TX
74 :48.95 Thad            Austin                    10 Wesleyan Christian Academy                         High Point                NC
75 :48.97 Andrew          Teh                       12 Crean Lutheran High School                         Irvine                    CA
76 :48.99 Andrew          Commins                   11 Carrboro High School                               Carrboro                  NC
77 :49.00 Ryan            Gurgel                    12 Canton High School                                 Canton                    MI
78 :49.02 Keiran          Rahmaan                   12 Grosse Pointe South High School                    Grosse Pointe Farms       MI
79 :49.04 Hugo            Arteaga                   11 Racine Case High School                            Racine                    WI
80 :49.05 Andy            Peterson                  12 Wheat Ridge High School                            Wheat Ridge               CO
81 :49.06 David           Mutter                    10 Mt. Pleasant High School                           Mt. Pleasant              PA
82 :49.07 Joseph          Hayburn                   12 St Mary's High School                              Annapolis                 MD
82 :49.07 Harrison        Thorsen                   12 Asheville School                                   Asheville                 NC
84 :49.11 Nathan          Zhu                       12 Paul Laurence Dunbar High School                   Lexington                 KY
85 :49.15 Zhantore        Akylbekov                 11 Wyoming Seminary                                   Kingston                  PA
85 :49.15 Ryder           Dodd                      11 JSerra Catholic High School                        San Juan Capistrano       CA
87 :49.16 Jarrett         Payne                     11 Sidney High School                                 Sidney                    OH
88 :49.21 Micah           Churchill                 10 Blue Valley Northwest High School                  Overland Park             KS
88 :49.21 Maksym          Nechydyuk                 11 Ardrey Kell High School                            Charlotte                 NC
90 :49.23 Lucas           Caswell                   11 Skyline High School                                Ann Arbor                 MI
91 :49.28 Derek           Hitchens                  10 Northwood High School                              Irvine                    CA
92 :49.29 Enzo            Balbuena                  9  Archbishop Mitty High School                       San Jose                  CA
92 :49.29 Jacob           Cairns                    11 San Marcos High School                             San Marcos                CA
94 :49.30 Aaron           Mendoza                   11 St. Anthony's High School                          South Huntington          NY
94 :49.30 Chase           Mueller                   12 Columbine High School                              Littleton                 CO
96 :49.34 Landon          D'Ariano                  11 Germantown Academy                                 Fort Washington           PA
97 :49.35 Aaron           Gordon                    10 Vandegrift High School                             Austin                    TX
98 :49.42 Grant           Chapa                     11 Paschal High School                                Fort Worth                TX
98 :49.42 William         Gao                       11 North Allegheny Senior High School                 Wexford                   PA
98 :49.42 Danial          Sanahurskyj               12 Cary Grove High School                             Cary                      IL
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